Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Rose Family

Frederick Rose (John's 4th G Grandfather) came toTennessee from Virginia and settled in Hardin County. His parents are William Rose and Mary Ezell. Frederick Rose married Eve Eulice before coming to Tennessee.

1820 Federal Census Wayne County, Tennessee
25 April 1822 14 acres in Wayne County
22 September 1824 15 acres
20 March 1827 57 acres on Indian Creek in Wayne County

1828 Land Record

View Larger Map
1830 Federal Census Hardin County, Tennessee
1836 Tennessee Early Tax Lists for Hardin County
1837 Tennessee Early Tax Lists for Hardin County
1837 November 195 acres on Rogers Creek
1840 Frederick Rose entered 188 acres as a Mill claim

Frederick and Eve Eulice Rose's daughter Zilphia married Leonard Beckham and their son William married Leonard's sister Elizabeth Beckham. Zilphia and Leonard Beckham moved to Missouri between 1834-1837 based on the census information about the birth places of their children. I did not find any records for Leonard Beckham in Hardin County, Tennessee.

I found this note written by Henry Beckham:

Leonard Beckham

Departed this Life

Oct 31-1872

Zilpha Beckham

Departed this Life

July 28-1896

 Stayed at the Beckham home in her last sickness till she died.
She was with me four months.

H Beckham

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

David FIne and Ann Corder

Fine's Ferry, built in the 1780s, would have been located somewhere along this stretch. (photo by Brian Stansberry)

 "Although the pioneers of Cocke County suffered less from Indian incursions than some of the more exposed counties, numerous instances of massacres and other depredations might be detailed.  In the latter part of 1783 the Indians began to steal the cattle and horses of the few persons who had that year settled along the French Broad and Nolachucky.  They then retreated across the mountains to North Carolina.  Maj. Peter Fine and William Lillard raised a company of thirty men and pursued them.  After killing one Indian and wounding a second, and having regained the stolen property, they began their return and encamped.  During the night the Indians who had followed them made a sudden attack killing Vinet Fine and wounding Thomas Holland and Mr. Bingham.  The savages remained in the vicinity until near morning when they took their departure.  The members of the company then broke a hole in the ice of a creek upon which they had encamped, and put body of Vinet Fine in the water of the stream, which has ever since borne the name of Fine Creek". (Goodspeed's History of Cocke County)

David Fine, John's 4th G Grandfather (1764 Virginia- 1845 St Louis, Missouri) was the son of Thomas Fine and Agnes Merchant.  Thomas Fine and Agnes Merchant had nine children: Vinette 1750-1783, Phillip 1751-1825, Peter 1753-1826, John 1755-1829, Weden "Wenden" 1757-1787, Euphremeas 1759-1785/95, Elizabeth 1761, Jacob 1763, David 1764-1845.
Thomas, Sr, Peter and Vinot Fine are listed in the Virginia Military Records(Revolutionary War Records: Virginia, Section IV, p. 608)

Peter Fine early land records 20 Sep 1787, Greene County, North Carolina: Warrant # 559 200 acres on the North side of the French Broad River.
In 1797 Peter Fine was named a commissioner for Cocke County (source: Acts of Tennessee 1797-1850)
Peter Fine was commissioned as a 1st Major in the Cocke County Regiment on Jan 11, 1798. (Record of Commissions of Officers in the Tennessee Militia, p. 70)
In 1806 Peter Fine was appointed an Anderson Academy Trustee (source: Acts of Tennessee 1797-1850)
In 1812 Peter Fine was names a  Commissioner for New Port--Cocke County (source: Acts of Tennessee 1797-1850)

Peter Fine early land records 22 Oct 1819, Cocke County, Tennessee: Warrant #6280 50 acres 
Marker for Peter Fine:

Here, near the ford below Major
Peter Fine's ferry, the town was
established in 1799. It was the
head of flatboat navigation on
the French Broad; each spring a
fleet went downriver. The townsite
moved about 1867, after the rail-
road was built along Pigeon River.

Peter Fine died in 1826 and is buried in Roadman Cemetery

Peter remained in Cocke County, but Phillip and David left New Port for St Louis.  They were early settlers in this area.

Chronological History of St Louis

15 Feb 1764 Foundation of St Louis under the French government
1764 Treaty ceding Louisiana to Spain
1765 Government assumed under French organization by St Ange
1768 Spanish troops, under d'Ulloa take possession of St Louis
1770- 1800 series of lieutenant governors
1 Oct 1800 Louisiana ceded by Spain to France
30 April 1803 Louisiana ceded by France to the United States
The first grant in St Louis was made by St Ange to Joseph Labuxiere on April 27, 1766. (Livre Terrein Number One). Source

Phillip Fine (1754-1824) (Houck's History of Missouri, vol ii p. 284) Phillip Fine, John Coons and Anne Camp, who had come to the village of St Louis in 1787 were the only white settlers. (Lion of the Valley: St. Louis, Missouri, 1764-1980
 By James Neal Primm p. 55)
Territory of Missouri county of St Louis Philip Fine of the township of St Louis in said county being duly sworn upon his oath declares and says that he well knows the tract described in the annexed petition of Sophia Bolaye and has known it for at least forty years past and that Sophia Bolaye about thirty years ago opened the ground planted corn and potatoes and built a house on said tract. PHILIP FINE his mark Sworn to and subscribed this 13th day of August 1819 before me a justice of the peace in and for the county aforesaid (Congressional Edition, Volume 280, p. 41)

Supreme Court Case : This testimony tended to show that the said Philip Fine was in possession of and cultivated the tract of land in controversy prior to December 20th 1803 that he possessed and cultivated the same up to the time of the falling down of the fence about six years before the change of government when he removed from St Louis to the mouth of the Maramec river where he continued to reside until his death. ( Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of ..., Volume 23 P. 571)

David Fine married Ann Corder (1770-1853)

1781. Elisha Baker met David Fine, brother of Philip Fine, members of the family from near New Market, Virginia, that settled in the French Broad River area near present Newport, Tennessee. (See 1802 below) (American State Papers, Public Lands, May 6, 1807; Peter Fine Grant No. 2088, 1787, 200 acres, mouth of Clear Creek, north side of French Broad River; John Fien (Fine) Grant No. 2519, 200 acres, north side of French Broad River)

In testimony regarding the settlement of David Fine, brother of Philip Fine [early settlers in the French Broad River area near present Newport, Tennessee] in Upper Louisiana, on May 6, 1807, Elisha Baker said he knew David Fine “about twenty-six years ago” [1781], that he arrived in Upper Louisiana with Fine “in April of the year 1802” and in February or March, 1803, he saw Fine on his land and in July corn was growing on the tract. Elisha’s first land grant in Upper Louisiana was on Little Rock Creek, eight miles south of David Fine’s settlement. (American State Papers, Public Lands June 13, 1812 – April 12, 1814)

Transcription of text
Tuesday October 13 1807 On application of a claimant the board met by common consent Present the lion Clement B Penrose and Frederick Bates David Fine claiming 5,040 acres of land situated on the river Matlss produces in support of said claim a plat of survey dated the 25th February 1806 and certified to be received for record by Anthony Soulard February 28 1806 Philip Fine being duly sworn says that speaking with the Spanish lieutenant governor Mr Delassus early in the year 1802 on the subject of settling on vacant land was informed by said lieutenant governor that no concession should be granted at that time but that any person coining to the country might settle on vacant land that his brother the claimant arrived shortly after in Louisiana and was informed by him the witness of what had passed between him and the lieutenant governor in consequence of which his brother settled on the land claimed in the year 1803 built a cabin and raised a crop that year and has inhabited and cultivated the same ever since and had at that time a wife and six children I Theodore Hunt recorder of land titles in the State of Missouri do hereby certify that the foregoing transcript consisting of 25 lines and parts of line is faithfully coined from the record of the proceedings of the board of commissioners for ascertaining and adjusting titles and claims in Missouri as will appear by reference to Book III page 4 in my office Given at my office in St Louis the 25th of November AD 1824 Theodore Hunt Source
1810 US Reconstructed Census Records David Fine St Louis District, Louisiana and Missouri Territory " Name on memorial, 27 Dec 1805, to the President by citizens of the territory (apparently most are from the District of St. Louis) expressing their support and confidence in Governor Wilkinson [pages 3"
1830 US Federal Census St Louis, Missouri
1835 Missouri Plat map

Plat showing David Fine's land

In 1850 Ann Corder Fine is living with her daughter Elizabeth, who married Hugh Glenn (John's 3rd G Grandparents). They are living in Johnson Township, Crawford County, Missouri. Ann Fine is listed as owning land worth $500.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Vaughan or Vaughn Family

 John Vaughn and Nancy Matlock are John's GGG Grandparents.
John Vaughn was born about 1805 in Washington County, Tennessee.  It has been suggested that he is the son of of Sherwood Vaughn, but no documentation to support this theory has been found.

John Vaughn married Nancy Matlock, daughter of Zachariah Matlock on 22 March 1827 in Washington County, Tennessee.  They are mentioned in her father's will.

John Vaughn and Nancy Matlock Marriage record

William Vaughn marries Edie Matlock on 25 October 1828.  Edie is Nancy's sister.

In 1840, John Vaughn is living next door to William Vaughn in Johnston, Crawford County, Missouri.

In 1850, they are living in District 24 Crawford County, Missouri with their children: 
Sherwood Vaughan, Edney E Vaughan, H C Vaughan, William Vaughan, N R Vaughan and Missouri Vaughan.  John Vaughn is a farmer and they own land valued at $250.

In 1860 Nancy Matlock is a window living with her children in Johnson Township, Maries County.  The post office is High Grove.

1860 census
According to Find a Grave, Nancy Matlock Vaughn died in 1868 and is buried in Sewell Cemetery, Maries County, Missouri.  Link

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Stephen Beckham

In 1734 Stephen Beckham Sr (this is Stephen Beckham's father) was in Orange Co, VA. On 7 Apr 1740 he purchased land on the South Side of the River Rappidane in Orange Co, VA. He is also recorded in Spotsylvania County where he witnessed a deed, along with William Hansford, between Blackly and Robert Williams.

The following record from Orange Co, VA Deed books is included:

7 Apr 1740: Alexr. Spotswood, Esq., to Stephen Beckham.(This is Stephen Beckham, Sr)
Lease of 100 acres in St Mark's Parish on the South side of the River Rappidanne, part of 40,000 acres called the Spotsylvania Tract. For lives of Stephen Beckham his son and Elsey Beckham his daughter. Yearly rent, 600 pounds of tobacco to be delivered in one hogshead at some convenient landing on Rappahannock River in Spotsylvania County, to commence 25 Dec 1740.
(Agreements as in lease to John Dozier, above)
A. Spotswood

Witness: John Lowen, James Pendleton, William Rannill.
Platt of 100 acres surveyed by George Home, assistant surveyor of Orange County... in Francis Taliaferro's line.

This deed indicates that Stephen Beckham was born before 1740 instead of 1755.

He is listed in the 1771 tax list of Bute Co, NC which later became Granville Co, NC.

WB-2, page 8

INVENTORY of Stephen Beckham's Estate 4th May 1774

6 head of Cattle (2 cows, 3 yearlings, a calf)

2 horses (a Gray & a Rhone) 1 Bed and furniture

1 Spinning Wheel 2 Pewter Dishes, 4 Pewter Plates, 1 pail

1 Iron Pot, 1 Frying Pan, 1 Table, 1 Chair, 5 Geese

4 Knives and forks, a parcel of Tobacco in 2 Barns

1 Broad Ax, 1 pick, Lids & hooks, 3 hoes.

Alexr Muirhead Admr

Bute County May Court 1774

This Inventory was returned by Alexander Muirhead the Admr on Oath and the same is ordered to be recorded.
Test Ben Mc-Cullock, C.C.

Stephen Beckham's Estate Sale  WB-2 Pg 31

Jesse Beckham - 1 horse

Alexander Murihead -1 horse, 1 pot,)
hooks & lids, 4 knives & Forks, 1 frying pan) 
Col. Philbin Hawkins - 7 head of Cattle, 1 adz, 2 hoes, 1 axe, 1 adz

Mrs Beckham - 1 Bed & Cord, a parcel of Tobacco, 5 Geese 

William Rose - 1 pot, 1 wheel, 2 dishes, 4 plates, 1 Table

Alexr Muirhead Admr

Bute County August Court 1774
This Account of the sale of the Estate of Stephen Beckham Sr Deced was returned unto Court by Alexander Muirhead the Administrator on Oath and ordered to be recorded.

Test Ben Mc-Culloch, C C 

Stephen Beckham Married Catherine Merritt on 23 May 1787 and the had the following children (as mentioned in his will:
Nancy, Elizabeth, Joshua, Mahali, Tabitha, Polly, Joseph, Thomas, Leonard, Caswell and grandson John.

Stephen Beckham served in the Revolutionary War.

The hole punched on his pay voucher indicates that he was paid.


Will of Stephen Beckham
Orange County, North Carolina

In the name of God Amen - I, Stephen Beckham, of the County of Orange and State of North Carolina being in a sound state of mind and memory do make this my last will and testament in manner and from following, that is to say I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Catherine, my property, after paying all just debts, during her life or widowhood, except two beds and furniture I give to my daughters Nancy and Elisabeth. After the death or marriage of my wife, Catherine, the property is to be sold and divided between my children as follows: Joshua, Joseph, Thomas, Leonard, Caswell, and John my grandson that now lives with me is to have half as much as one of my sons, my daughter Mahali to to have half as much as one of my sons, my daughter Tabiatha is to have as one of my sons adding the price of her bed and furniture. My youngest daughter Polley is to have twice as much as one of my sons, my daughter Elizabeth is not to have anything as she has had her share already.

Lastly, I appoint my beloved son Joshua executor of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the 20th day of September in the year of our Lord 1820.

Witnesses - Isaac Patterson
                 D. Patterson

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Michael Branstetter

Michael was born in upper East Tennessee and it is frequently reported that his parents are Peter Branstetter and Elizabeth Railsback.  Peter Branstetter is in Sullivan County in 1830. His name appeaars on three deeds in Carter County.   On 24 Jan 1818, he purchase 160 acres in Illinois.  Peter Branstetter died in 1839 in Washington County, Illinois.  He has a will, but he only names one son.

 Washington County, Illinois:  In the name of God Amen I Peter Branstetter infirm of body but of sound mind do make this my last will and testament I do trust in God this day dear children will continue to live in brotherly affection and make without further contest the disposition and distribution of my property that I shall here direct and that my dear wife having repeatedly expressed a wish to return to Tennessee will not exercise her right of dower to the staying or preventing of any sale I may herein direct Should my children prefer or a majority of them prefer or think it more expedient to remain on and cultivate in harmony and as a band of brothers the land upon which I now reside I do wish them so to do and do by this my last will empower them But should it be the wish of my wife and two of my older sons or three of my older sons without my wife my oldest son John who is hereafter provided for excepted to sell the same and to return to Tennessee or elsewhere I desire they will do it but it is my desire that they will not force the same at public sale but make a fair disposition thereof at private The proceeds of said sale if effected I wish equally divided among all my children my said eldest son John excepted to whom I leave fifty dollars to be paid out of the first money that can be spared from the immediate expense of the family In addition to the proportion that the law gives my dear wife in right of dower I do give and bequeath to her the negro girl called Maria now living with and belonging to me my said wife having often desired the same Having only two other negroes and having often promised them thereto I do hereby give and bequeath the same to my children by my first marriage my said son John excepted In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 28th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and eighteen Peter Branstetter seal Signed sealed and acknowledged in the presence of DS Swearingen Abraham Thompson 

Again, it is reported, but not confirmed that Michael was "bonded out" by his stepmother, being required to serve until his twenty first birthday.  He is not listed in East Tennessee Forgotten Children: 1788- 1911.

The 1830 Census in the first record for Michael Branstetter.  It shows two adults and two chilen (one boy and one girl) under five years old.

The next record is for a land purchase in Pike County on 1 Apr 1839 for26 1/2 acres.
On 1 Oct 1845, he purchases 40 acres in Crawford County, Missouri.

The 1850 census shows the family living in Crawford County.

On 1 Sept 1857, Michael Branstetter purchased 40 acres in Phelps County.
1860 Census Dillon Post Office, Phelps County: $300 in real estate, $800 in personal property
Michael Branstetter 58
P Branstetter            52
Chas Branstetter     20
John Branstetter     19
LND Branstetter     15
CK Branstetter       13
E Branstetter          22

1870 Census St James Township, $1200 in personal property, $ 300 in real estate
Michael Bronstetter 68
Permilia Branstetter 61
Elcanah Branstetter  20

1880 Census Dawson, Phelps, Missouri
Michael Branstetter 78
Permilia Branstetter 71 parents born in North Carolina and Maryland

Permilia Branstetter died on 5 Jan 1892 and is buried in Branstetter Cemetery.
Michael Branstetter died on 13 Jan 1892 and is buried in Branstetter Cemetery.

Link to Branstetter Cemetery(Latitude: 38.08610, Longitude: -91.57610)  Here  There are photographs and additional information on the link.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Zachariah Matlock

Zacariah Matlock John's 4th Great Grandfather.  Children in your direct line are Nancy Matlock who married John Vaughn and Martin Matlock who married Barbara Rinehart.

Born about 1754
Married 1780
Zachariah Matlock and (Emily Strain Paine) Children:  Nancy and Eady, married Vaughn brothers, John and William.  Martin Matlock, married Barbara Rinehart, sister of Lewis Rinehart and John Rinehart.   George Rinehart married Jane Matlock.  

1794 27 May Age: 40
Sullivan, Territory Sounth of the river Ohio
Indenture 27 May 1794 between Moore Matlock of Sullivan Co, in the Territory of the United States of America South of the River Ohio and Zachariah Matlock of Washington Co in the Territory aforesaid.   Signed: Moore Matlock Witness: Jason Matlock, Moore Matlock Jr, Absolom Matlock. Proven in court May term 1794. Land situated in Washington Co on the Waters of Boons Creek containing 150 acres.
Zachariah Matlock's property was between Boone's Creek ans Sinking Creek.  At least part of it was along Buffalo Ridge.

1796 Tennessee becomes a state
1798 31 Jan Age: 44
Washington County, Tennessee
Indenture between Zachariah Matlock to Samuel Lane both of Washington Co, TN for the sum of $20. a parcel of land situate lying in the county of Washington on the dividing Ridge between Boons Creek & Sinking Creek. Containing 36 acres. Sig: Zachariah 
Tax List
1814 Age: 60
Washington County, Tennessee 

1819 Age: 65
Washington County, Tennessee
1830 Census
1830 Age: 76
Washington County, Tennessee

1837 Death
12 Apr 1837 Age: 83
Buffalo Ridge, Washington County, Tennessee
 Deed: 18 Sep 1838  38 Acres, Heirs of Z Matlock to James Miller. Indenture
between Martin Matlock, George Rinehart and Jane his wife formerly Jane
Matlock, John Vaughn and Nancy his wife formerly Nancy Matlock, and
William Vaughn and Eady his wife formerly of the Washington Co, TN and
James Miller of the same place. Sold for the sum of $258. land on the
water of Boons Creek. Sig: Martin (x his mark) Matlock, George Rinehart,
Jane (x her mark) Rinehart, John (L his mark) Vaughn, Nancy (x her mark)
Vaughn, Edy (x her mark) Vaughn. (Washington Co TN Deed book 22,
pg 250-251).

Part of the deed from the sale of Zachariah Matlock's Land

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Peter Yoakley

Peter Yoakley is John's 4th Great Grandfather

Peter Yoakley was born on September 8, 1782 in North Carolina.  He married Rachel, thought to be the daughter of William and Mary Canole.  He died on May 29, 1857.  It seems that Rachel died before him because she is not mentioned in his will.


1812 Tax list Sullivan County, Tennessee
1830 US Federal Census Sullivan County, Tennessee
1833 20 Feb. 400 acres of land on the North side of the Holston adjacent to where he now lives.
1837 Early Tax Record Sullivan County, Tennessee
        212  1/2 acres
     6,500 value
       318 tax
1840 US Federal Census Sullivan County, Tennessee
1850 Slave Schedule

1850 US Federal Census District 1 Sullivan County, Tennessee
Peter Yokeley 68 Farmer, Property value $4,000
Rachel Yokeley 61
Peter Yokeley 21 Farmer
Rachel Yokely 15
Harriet Yokely 8
Martha Sullins 24

In 1854 Peter and Rachel Yoakley give a deposition in the pension application of William Combs.  In the photo of the signatures below, you can see that Peter could write his name, but Rachel signed with an X.

Map of Yoakley Ferry showing the location in relation to Tri Cities Airport (Latitude  36.4620474, Longitude: -82.4659793)

In the will of Peter Yoakley Sr. dated 16 May 1857 and proven 12 June 1857, he names son John, daughter Jane, wife of John Hickman, son Endimeon, son Charles, son Thomas, son Peter Jr., daughter Permelia Branstetler, daughter Mary Ann, wife of Hiram Hale, daughter Elizabeth, wife of James Drake, daughter Nancy, wife of Isaac Brown, granddaughter Martha Yoakley, daughter of Charles Yoakley.  A copy of the will can be found in Sullivan County Will Book One.

Peter Yoakley's Cemetery Marker

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Marie Klinger

Marie Klinger was born on January 1, 1836, in Czech Republic, the only child of Jaques and Marie Ann. She married Franz Meyer on April 26, 1853. They were married in St Peter & Paul's Catholic Church by by Father Simon Sigrist.  This church is in the Historic Soulard District. Link to church history
The couple is listed as Francis Myer and Mary Klinker witnesses are Thomas and Barbara Bertscheek. They had three sons that lived to adulthood: Frank Richard, John and Louis.  Very little is known about Francis.  There is a record of their marriage and he is listed as the father on the death certificates of his children. A Missouri death record for a Franz Meyer who was born in Bohemia and died on January 8, 1868 is the one most likely to be his.  It lists the burial place as St Peter & Paul Cemetery, although the cemetery does not have a record. They have not been located on an 1860 census, on the 1870 census Marie is listed as widow, working as a seamstress and living with her three sons at 1023 Soulard.  

Marie married widower John Borovicka on June 28, 1873 and they had two children John and Julia. John Borovicka was a Civil War Veteran having served in the 5th Reg't Infantry, Mo Vols.  He was born in Bohemia and became a US citizen on September 26, 1866. He worked as a mason and received a pension for an injury he received during the war.   John Borovicka died on December 12 1884 and is buried in Zion Lutheran Cemetery.  After John's death, Marie applied for a widow's Pension.

She died on November 15, 1910, in St Louis, Missouri, at the age of 74, and was buried in New St Marcus Cemetery.
 Marie Borovicka's Will
I, Marie Borovicka, of the city of St. Louis, Missouri, being of sound mind, memory and understanding, and realizing the uncertainty of life do make my last will and testament in manner and form following to wit.

First: All debts, funeral and testamentary expenses be paid out of the estate.
Second: The executor is authorized to sell real estate, consisting of house numbered 2414-2416 Elliot, in St. Louis, Missouri, at private or public sale and apply net proceeds to pay following bequests.
Third: One thousand dollars ($1,000) to be given to three sons of first marriage, Frank, John and Lewis; to be divided in equal proportions (said $1,000 being their inheritance from their father.)
Fourth: Remainder of net proceeds to be given and bequeathed to the following legatees in equal parts, namely on-third (1/3) to Anna Steimke (nee Borovicka) for her ownb and absolute use, and in ase of her death before distribution of same, her share shall go to her children; one-third (1/3) to my son Edward H. Borovicka,  and one-third (1/3) to my son Edward Borovicka, in trust for his nieces, Marie Elrick and Virginia Elrick, one-half (1/2) to each to held same until said two nieces respectively attain their majority, the same to be invested to bear interest.
Fifth: I nominate and appoint son Frank Meyer executor of this will.
The foregoing instrument on 6 Nov. 1909 declared by Marie Borovicka to be her last will, witnessed by Julia Mincke, 2927 Henrietta and Anthony Klobasa, 1807 Russell, signed by Marie Borovicka.
Frank Meyer, a son, who resides at St. Louis, MO
John Meyer, a son, who resides at St. Louis, MO
Louis Meyer, a son, who resides at St. Louis, MO
Anna Steimke, stepdaughter, who resides at St. Louis County, MO
Edward H. Borovicka, son, who resides at St. Louis, MO
Marie Elrick, granddaughter, who resides at St. Louis, MO
Virginia Elrick, granddaughter, who resides at St. Louis, MO
Inventoy consisted of real estate in subdivision of Penrose tract in the city of St. Louis, Missouri, block 2364, being the same property acquired by John and Marie Borovicka from William Pohlmann and Minnie (wife) by a deed dated 17 Sept. 1880, recorded in book 641, pg 219 in the office of recorder of deeds for the city of St. Louis. Said lot is improved by a two story brick dwelling.
Personal: cash $57, deposited in bank $239.97, US Pension $36
Sale of Elliot ave. property
Albert Wenzlick real estate co. handled the sale.  Property saod 3 Jne 1911 $2350, less 2%commission $58.75, leaving balance of $2291.25
Funeral expenses: Klobasa Bros. L. & U. Co., dr., Undertakers, 1805-11 Russell, $190

She is buried in New St Marcus Cemetery in St Louis.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Matlock Family Moves to Missouri

Zacariah Matlock was born in about 1754.  He is first recorded in Tennnessee:


1794 27 May This was before Tennessee became a state.
Sullivan, Territory South of the River Ohio
Indenture 27 May 1794 between Moore Matlock of Sullivan Co, in the Territory of the United States of America South of the River Ohio and Zachariah Matlock of Washington Co in the Territory aforesaid. Sig: Moore Matlock (seal) Wit: Jason Matlock, Moore Matlock

Zacariah Matlock died in Buffalo Ridge, Washington County in 1837.  The following deed was made to settle his estate:

18 Sep 1838, Deed bk 22, pg 251-252; Deed 24 Acres, Heirs of Z Matlock to Sherwood Vaughn. Indenture between Martin Matlock, George Rinehart and Jane his wife formerly Jane Matlock, William Vaughn and Edy his wife formerly Edy Matlock to Sherwood Vaughn both of Washington Co, TN. Sold for $200. land being on waters of Boons Creek. Adj to James Miller line.

Sig: Martin (x his mark) Matlock, George Rinehart, Jane (x her mark) Rinehart, Wm (x his mark) Vaughn, Edy (x her mark) Vaughn. Jane & Edy each given up there dower rights this 18 Sep 1838. Registered 21 Sep 1838. (Deed available from Tennessee State Archives)

After this estate was settled, Martin Matlock and his wife Barbara Rinehart headed West to Missouri.  Matin Matlock first married Nancy Mitchell and their children are believed to be:  Zacariah (1823-1863), Elizabeth and George (1827- ).    Martin Matlock and his wife Barbara Rinehart were the parents of Louis (1830-1897), Nancy (1832-1904), Eda (1838-1912) and Ransom (1842-1909).

  It is believed that all of Martin's children moved to Missouri with him.  Ransom was born in Missouri.

Land Tract Book Section 27; Crawford Co, land: Martin Matlock 18 Apr 1838,  40 acres.

In 1840 and 1850, they are living in Crawford County and from 1870 in Phelps County.