Thursday, November 10, 2016

Marie Klinger and John Borovicka

In 1870. Marie Meyer is living in Ward 2, subdivision 11 of St Louis. She is working as a seamstress ans Frank (16) and John (14) are working as store clerks. Louis (6) is also listed on this census

After the death of Franz Meyer, Marie Klinger married John Borovicka on June 28, 1873.

 John Borovicka served in the 5th Reg't Infantry, Mo Vols during the Civil War.
He applied for an invalid pension on December 23, 1863.

John Borovicka and Marie had two children:
Edward (1874-19440 and Julia (1876-1909)
Edward married Alice Gorman. Alice died in 1931, then he married Coletta Bauer
Julia (1876-1909) married  Conrade F. Elrick

In 1880, they are listed as:
John Baravouka: 50, born on Bohemia, working as a stone mason
Mary Baravoulka: 44, born on Bohemia
Lewis Baravoulka: 16 (this is Louis Meyer), working as a shipping clerk
Edward Baravoulka: 6, at school
Julia Baravoulka: 4

John Borovicka died on December 12, 1884. He is buried in Zion Lutheran Cemetery. After John Borovicka died, Marie Borovicka applied for a Widow's Pension on January 22, 1890. No information has been found as to why this cemetery. It is quite a distance from their home in the Soulard area. He would have been qualified to be buried in the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. The government would have provided a headstone.

In 1887, 1890, 1893, and 1895 she is listed in the city directory as living at 2416 Elliot Ave.

In 1887, she is living with Edward Borovicka.

May 27, 1896 tornado  Photo by Strauss Link

In May of 1896, a strong tornado struck St Louis leaving a number of people dead List.  It was one of several tornadoes, or cyclones hit the Midwest that Spring.  Several people died in the Soulard Market and the damage in the Lafayette Park area was extensive.  One article states that every church in the vicinity was damaged.  The Compton Hill Congregational opened its doors to any congregation that might need a place to have services until their own church could be repaired.

Julia Borovicka (wife of Conrade F. Elrick) died on October 20, 1909, and was buried in New St Marcus Cemetery. 
Marie Borovicka died on November 15, 1910.

Marie Klinger obituary 16 Nov 1910, St Louis DIspatch

See Marie Klinger (July 17, 2013) Link

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Update to the post about Franz Meyer and Marie Klinger

Father Trogan came to St John Neopuk in 1856. There are two records that are of interest:

One: This ____day of of September, 1856, we are here to Baptize John who was born on the 14th day of September, 1856 and who is the legitimate offspring of Francis Meyer and Maria Klinger. Patrons (Godparents) are John Tesel and Magda Bausek

Two: This 13th day of of January, 1862, we are here to Baptize Joseph who was born on the 27th day of December, 1860 and who is the legitimate offspring of Francis Meyer and Maria Klinger. Patrons are Joseph Maschek and Magdalena Bouzek.

They person who transcribed (they are written in Latin) these records did not believe these children were the children of "our" Franz Meyer and Maria Klinker. I disagree, but I am sharing this information so you can can form your own opinion.

This is the death certificate for John Meyer that lists his parents as Franz Meyer and Marie Klinger. It is signed by Amelia Meyer. When Amelia Meyer died, her death certificate is signed by Edward Borovicka. Both John and Amelia are buried in Calvary cemetery.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Franz Meyer and Marie Klinger

Sts Peter and Paul Catholic Church

Franz Meyer and Marie Klinger were born in Bohemia and came to Missouri around 1850. On April 26, 1853, they were married in St Peter & Paul's Church by by Father Simon Sigrist, St. Peter & Paul Catholic Church (Eighth and Allen). The couple is listed as Francis Meyer and Mary Klinger witnesses are Thomas and Barbara Bertscheek. (Source: Rev. Simon Sigrist; He attended Mattis Creek until 1849, when he was called to St. Louis to found the parish of Sts. Peter and Paul (Source:

Marriage Record signed by Father Simon Sigrist

Their children are:
Frank Richard Meyer (1854-1915) Married Clementine Flach
John Meyer (1854-1925) John Meyer married Amelia Galoskowski
Joseph Meyer (1860)
Louis Meyer (1863-1937)

Left: Soulard Market, Middle: Row Houses, Right: Sts Peter & Paul Church Detail

 Photo credit: Soulard Market and Sts Peter & Paul Church: Karrie Bannahan (Some rights reserved)
Row Houses:  Chris Yunker (Some rights reserved)

They lived in the Soulard area. Soulard is an old neighborhood in St Louis.  In this area, there was also a place called Bohemian Hill. You can read about it here: Link

Photo Credit: Parker Botanical - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Frank and John were baptized at St John Nepomuk Church, according to a woman hired by Ruth Meyer Ashford and Dick Meyer to research the Meyer family. This was the first Bohemian Catholic Church built in America. Construction on St John Nepomuk started on May 17th 1854.

These are two records that the researcher found that she says came from St John Nepomuck.  The first is a Baptismal record dated 1-7-1854.  Frank Meyer was not born until February of 1854, so it is unclear what this record means.  The second is a marriage record for Franz Meyer and Marie Klinger.  This is likely a copy that was made for St John Nepomuk's records.

Franz Meyer died on January 8, 1868 and was buried in Sts. Peter & Paul's Cemetery, according to his death record.

This date is confirmed by Marie Klinger Meyer Borovicka's deposition for a Civil War Widow's Pension.