Monday, March 25, 2013

Matlock Family Moves to Missouri

Zacariah Matlock was born in about 1754.  He is first recorded in Tennnessee:


1794 27 May This was before Tennessee became a state.
Sullivan, Territory South of the River Ohio
Indenture 27 May 1794 between Moore Matlock of Sullivan Co, in the Territory of the United States of America South of the River Ohio and Zachariah Matlock of Washington Co in the Territory aforesaid. Sig: Moore Matlock (seal) Wit: Jason Matlock, Moore Matlock

Zacariah Matlock died in Buffalo Ridge, Washington County in 1837.  The following deed was made to settle his estate:

18 Sep 1838, Deed bk 22, pg 251-252; Deed 24 Acres, Heirs of Z Matlock to Sherwood Vaughn. Indenture between Martin Matlock, George Rinehart and Jane his wife formerly Jane Matlock, William Vaughn and Edy his wife formerly Edy Matlock to Sherwood Vaughn both of Washington Co, TN. Sold for $200. land being on waters of Boons Creek. Adj to James Miller line.

Sig: Martin (x his mark) Matlock, George Rinehart, Jane (x her mark) Rinehart, Wm (x his mark) Vaughn, Edy (x her mark) Vaughn. Jane & Edy each given up there dower rights this 18 Sep 1838. Registered 21 Sep 1838. (Deed available from Tennessee State Archives)

After this estate was settled, Martin Matlock and his wife Barbara Rinehart headed West to Missouri.  Matin Matlock first married Nancy Mitchell and their children are believed to be:  Zacariah (1823-1863), Elizabeth and George (1827- ).    Martin Matlock and his wife Barbara Rinehart were the parents of Louis (1830-1897), Nancy (1832-1904), Eda (1838-1912) and Ransom (1842-1909).

  It is believed that all of Martin's children moved to Missouri with him.  Ransom was born in Missouri.

Land Tract Book Section 27; Crawford Co, land: Martin Matlock 18 Apr 1838,  40 acres.

In 1840 and 1850, they are living in Crawford County and from 1870 in Phelps County.